Sunday, May 9, 2010


Here is basically my progression of logic in the exploration of the painting. Firstly i started out with three key themes to develop my narrative. The lady and her routine, the feeling of isolation; and preperation for the day that waits. From this i drew the narrative:

'A woman stands in bare ISOLATION, upon a cell of a room, PREPARING for the DAY that waits'.

The highlighted words were to be the basis of my 3 spaces. I decided on a sloped site to give a sense of progression; and layed out the three buildings according to the painting. This was worked out as the isolation far back, the woman and here preparation centre right; and the relation to the exterior or the day bottom left (at the window point).

From there i developed my three spaces according to the feel they are meant to evoke; and further developed the linking space between the three spaces. At image 5 you see a rudementary version of my final model.

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